VIP stands for Very Important Person, therefore, a VIP number means a number which is unique and stands out compared to normal telecom numbers in the market. VIP number is also referred to as 'fancy number'.
RTP stands for Ready To Port, this category is a list of numbers which are presently owned by someone else but are readily up for sale. Generally, these are unique and easy to remember numbers whose ownership can be transferred with proper paperwork.
MNP stands for Mobile Number Portability, it is basically the process to switch your current mobile number to another network service provider without having to buy a new number. It allows you to keep the same number even after changing the number’s service provider.
Yes, that is what we offer, a choice for all. You can suggest a number of your wish or you can even select one from our collection. As always, the choice is yours.
We will try our best that you do. We will search with operators all across India and will get back to you within the next 48 hours.
It is the person whose valid proof of address falls outside the telecom circle.
Eg:- you buy a Maharashtra number on your Rajasthan address documents. This makes you an outstation customer.
You have to provide details of the current local address along with a reference for tele-verification.
Yes, you cancel your order during tele-verification process. But once the item is shipped, no cancellations can be adjusted.
Select a number then book it. This gives your details to our sales team who will coordinate with you within the next 24 working hrs.
You can pay through Net Banking, Credit Card, Debit Card, Bank Transfers and Cash on Delivery only in (Mumbai and Nashik as of now).
The average delivery time period is 1-3 days while the activation happens instantly using biometric e-KYC.
Yes, using your passport, visa details and your local address of stay in India you can buy a new connection. Your number will get activated after 48 hours.
Yes, with that family member’s documents, details and biometric e-KYC in place, you can buy a new number.
Transfer of ownership is executable only after a successful activation by visiting the specific operator store along with a request letter and documents. For easy transfers, you can opt for easy to change MNP services too.
Your documents might still be in process. But if the issue is still present after 2 days then please contact us immediately or visit the nearest operator for exchange of SIM/resubmission of documents.